Whew. I was calm, cool and collected about today's beta until about an hour ago. Then I broke into a cold sweat! Luckily my angst was unfounded because the number looks good.
1,198 (19dpo)
The nurse said anything over 880 would have been good, so they are happy with this number. It's a doubling time of 40.61 hours. I also asked about the possibility of there being more than one in there and she said probably not. She said stranger things have happened -- they've seen singletons with higher numbers and twins with lower numbers -- but she's assuming there is one.
Here's what BabyMed has to say:

So I can now go enjoy my weekend in (temporary) peace. Next beta is Monday morning. All prayers, wishes, chicken dances, and any such juju is appreciated!
Yeah!!! What a fantastic number!!! Way to go!
Wheeew...big celebration this weekend :-)
Oooh baby, I'm sending all my good juju to you!
Have a fab weekend!
Congrats! What a nice time to celebrate!
Hooray for good numbers!
Great news! Enjoy the weekend!
Congratulations! This is such wonderful news. Here's hoping for an uneventful first trimester.
Glad everything continues to look wonderful! Have a great weekend.
Thanks for your ongoing support too!
Woooo HOOooooo .Fabulous DAh'ling ..keep up the good work
I will definitely do a chicken dance in your honor.
That's wonderful! I'm so happy for you! Enjoy your weekend in bliss.
That's a great beta! I love the graph with all my heart.
Great news!!
Great number!!!! Must be such a relief for you
Great number! Have a great weekend.
Wonderful numbers!!! Yay!!!
Grow bean grow!!!
Whoohoooooo!! Congratulations! I'm gone for a few days and I find such good news - way to go girl! Now you better take good care of yourself, you hear?
love the charting! those numbers look perfect!
I am doing a chicken dance right now as I type this! Yahoo!!
It was so good to see you today. I am still over the moon for you!
I'm a little late coming into this (I'm rather new around here) but I wanted to wish you a big congratulations on your pgcy! I'm about to begin an IVF cycle and I love seeing success stories. Best wishes for smooth and easy weeks ahead!
Glad that things are still looking well!!!
What a beautiful chart!!!
LEAH THIS IS AWESOME! You are the only blog I've looked at since I got home, because Shelby and Desiree told me your news while I was in the hospital before I delivered the triplets and I've been ITCHING to tell you congratulations but I didn't have your email address with me, and OH MY GOODNESS I'm totally over the moon for you! You have no idea! I'm crying for you. I mean, I know that the whole post-partum hormone thing makes me all weird anyway, but after Shelby and Desiree left that day, I was thinking about you and tears of joy popped into my eyes even then, and that was PRE-delivery even.
I couldn't possibly be happier for you. Really. I cannot possibly express how happy I am for you. Oh, Leah, really! Squee!
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